Edward Wormley for Dunbar Walnut and Chinese Print Block Floating Credenza

Edward Wormley for Dunbar Walnut and Chinese Print Block Floating Credenza


A wall mounted floating credenza consisting of a walnut case, 4 doors accentuated with Chinese printers block and an accent of continuous rosewood faced drawers along the bottom. A fine example, usually the print block doors are just Chinese script however this piece with print blocks with several images showing ancient Chinese figures and traditions, reminiscent of Philip and Kelvin Laverne’s tables. The cabinet floats with a metal French cleat which mounts to the wall and cabinet. This piece would work well with pieces designed by Vladimir Kagan, Harvey Probber, T.H. Robsjohn GIbbings.

Dimensions: 65.5”W x 13.5”D x 30”H

Condition: Recently Refinished. Shows very well.

Shipping: This item will ship by personal courier please allow at least 4-6 weeks for delivery depending on your distance from the east coast and our shipper’s routes.

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